Dear Friend:
Welcome to West Sound Unity Church.It is a joy and a pleasure to have you worship, sing and pray with us today.We in Unity believe “in our Father’s house,” we are One in Spirit.The life, substance, wisdom and love Jesus shared with his disciples is here for all who enter our doors.We believe “wherever two or more are gather together in His name, there He is in the midst.”
May you feel truly welcome here today.May you enter into this place with thanksgiving and go feeling blessed.We are grateful for the gift of your presence.
In the packet you were given, you will find an “I Wish” card.We would be happy to answer any questions you might have about this ministry.There is also a directory of our services and ways we may serve your spiritual needs.
As we say to each new visitor…”We love you, we bless you, we behold the Christ Light shining through you, and we give thanks for you.”
Thank you for joining us today.
Max Lafser
Interim Minister