Directions to West Sound Unity Church
1712 Trenton Avenue, Bremerton, WA 98312
West Sound Unity Church is located at 1712 Trenton Ave. in the Manette area of Bremerton, Washington. Take the Manette Bridge, north of the Bremerton ferry terminal, and turn right immediately at the east end of the bridge, then take the first left onto 11th Street. Follow 11th Street to the end and turn left on Trenton Avenue. Unity Church is 6 blocks to the north on the right side of the road.
From Highway 303 or Waaga Way, which is also known as Wheaton Way, drive south, toward the Warren Avenue Bridge and turn left, or east, on Sylvan Way. Go to the second stop sign and turn right on Trenton Avenue. Unity Church will be on your left, approximately 1 & 1/2 miles.